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Warning: Over 2 Million People Will Lose Their jobs in the Next Year. If You’re One of Them, Forget about a Better Life. You Won’t Even Get Your Old Job Back without a College Degree.
But If You Return to College, Can You Stop Working for 4 Years?
What Will You Eat While You Study? Where Will You Live?

What if You Could Get a Legitimate 4-Year Degree in One Year
and Have Your Bills Paid to Boot?
Dear Bachelors and Bachelorettes,
I lost my job in late 2008 along with a lot of other Americans. I knew our economic troubles were coming and I made financial preparations, but they were woefully inadequate. I didn’t have a backup plan in case I was thrown out of work. Worse yet, when it happened, I could no longer apply for the work I had been doing unless I had a college degree!
How Far Do You Think You Can Fall?
I was living the high life, or so I thought. I enjoyed exotic cars and sun-soaked vacations. I had a nice house and no real financial worries. But when I got shut out of the job market, I went broke overnight. Within months I was in foreclosure. My car loans were in default, not to mention my credit cards. I was frantically sending out resumes at the rate of a few hundred month and getting no calls whatsoever. There was little food left and no money to buy more. My heat and electricity were shut off. Life quickly became a bare struggle for survival.
With charity from my family and from local organizations, I held on. During that time, I lost considerable weight and became weaker. No matter how carefully I rationed, I watched the fresh food go. Then the dried. Then the canned. I kept busy with school to keep my mind occupied, not to acknowledge the unfathomable reality that I was slowly, literally, starving to death. A few of my more desperate friends committed suicide. I was in utter disbelief that all of this was happening, and in America no less.
What Keeps You Awake at Night? Bills? Stress?
The worst and most hand-wringing frustration is not having enough money. Every day, 6,000 more families sink below poverty level. When bills are piling up with no end in sight, the pain stings night and day. Much worse than never getting ahead is the very real threat of falling so far behind, you can’t recover. You’re forced to run faster and faster just to keep what you have.
While the economy teeters upon another potential collapse, the uncertainty of how secure your job really is may have you in a state of wide-eyed fear. You may hate your job or your boss and seethe with anger over the lack of respect the organization treats you with, but without a degree, the harsh reality is that you’re at their mercy. You can’t afford to lose what you have.
Do You See Any End in Sight?
Life isn’t a blessing when you’re always tired from working too much. When you suffer in a constant state of depression because you know that today’s effort, and tomorrow’s effort, and next week’s effort, will not make ends meet. When you’re always broke, have no savings, and laugh cynically about the idea of retirement. Perhaps you get the chance to work a little overtime thinking you’ll be able to breathe for a while, but then something goes wrong with the car or the kids need school clothes or one falls off their bike and breaks an arm ($1,500), and the money’s gone. It doesn’t matter what you do. The money’s always gone.
Statistics show you’re not alone:
Take any hundred people at the start of their working careers and follow them for 40 years until they reach retirement age, and here’s what you’ll find, according to the Social Security Administration: Only 1 will be wealthy; 4 will be financially secure; 5 will continue working, not because they want to but because they have to; 36 will be dead; and 54 will be dead broke—dependent on their meager Social Security checks, relatives, friends, even charity for a minimum standard of living. That’s 5% successful, 95% unsuccessful.
Some people say to themselves, “I’ll work until I die.” Unfortunately, if you don’t get educated, you’re probably right. The further tragedy is that your kids will likely follow suit and won’t escape this miserable fate either. The unnecessary and brutal struggle will be perpetuated. What if there was a way to break all of these horrible trends?
How I Got My Degree in Just Over a Year…
Occasionally I’d meet some of my degreed friends who would throw me a free lunch. They weren’t starving. Their lives hadn’t been disrupted at all. Then I had a major eye-opener: I saw a statistic that said while the unemployment rate was over 15% for the general population, but only 2% for degreed people! So I decided that getting a degree–even at the cost of four years of my life–was the quickest way out of starvation and homelessness. Still, a four-year commitment? That sounded awful. Then I was reminded of my original schedule 20 years ago: eight years part-time. I certainly didn’t want that (and you don’t either), so I began searching for ways to speed things up.
With extensive study of my college course bulletin (a yearly catalog defining rules, regulations, and classes), I realized I could finish the degree much faster than was customary. The college dictated the sequence of activities, but not the pace at which those activities must be accomplished. Much beyond the few ways schools offer to accommodate adult students, such as after hours and online classes, I found a number of degree accelerating methods which, when put together, turbo-charged the process of getting a degree. The result was that instead of four years or even three, I finished my bachelor’s degree in ONE year and three months!
My Life Turned Around Instantly, and Yours Will Too!
I thought this was nothing short of amazing: ONLY ONE YEAR after going back to school, I graduated, and then enrolled in the Master’s Degree program! I shared my secrets with a number of other students and they ran with them. Soon they were thrilled to be getting the same results. Getting real results, really fast, invigorated them with hope and made getting the degree so much more rewarding. It also proved to me that anyone could do it.
“I read this book after spending eight years in school achieving a professional degree and it made me sick to think of how much time and money this book could have saved me. … hundreds of thousands of dollars, to say nothing of the extra income I could have earned had I graduated a few years earlier…” –Dr. Peter Fox
A Fast Degree System that Can Change Your Life
I decided to write a book outlining exactly what I did so that people anywhere can benefit from the system I developed. The result is Bachelor Monkey! (named in honor of the last class I took the old-fashioned way: Anthropology). Within it, I chronicle the twists and turns of my whole journey including my mistakes, so you can learn from them (the fact is, I could have graduated even faster!). I also outline most of what you will encounter with college, from financial aid to class scheduling to degree counseling, so you don’t have to suffer alone in the fog of a very confusing process.
I found that the choice of the school is critical. The university structure itself will determine whether you can save any time at all, and how much you can save. It will also determine how stressful or stress-free the experience will be. For those of you with five years experience in business or more, college isn’t going to be very difficult. Time wise, with a well-orchestrated plan, I didn’t have to give up my life either, and neither will you. With the format I provide, the cost of your degree will also be much less.
How is This System Any Better than Paying for a Fake Diploma or Getting Some Online Degree?
My fast degree system is only for getting diplomas from fully-accredited universities. Personally, I wouldn’t touch any of the online schools that you see on TV commercials. I’ve seen enough people being referred to (during the interview process at work) as having “online degrees” that the name itself discredits them. In my opinion, having an online degree puts you a notch above a high school diploma, but still falls far short of what is considered a legitimate bachelor’s degree.
Then there’s the disaster of paying for a fake diploma: “One Week or One Month” they chant, is all it takes to review your job credentials and grant you a degree! No classes, no tests… it sounds so easy, right? Companies are so familiar with this that I guarantee you’ll be caught. Mine checked to make sure my degree was real. Employers have databases of job applicants they share with each other. This is fraud. Do something dishonest like this and you won’t be able to find work anywhere.
I expect a big explosion of massive fraud to be uncovered in the fly-by-night online and instant degree community in the next few years. The awful thing is that people who’ve sunk their hard earned money and/or time into pursuing such a degree will have lost all credibility with employers and will have to start over. I think the whole movement takes corrupt and greedy advantage of your predicament. You’re much better off on a legitimate fast track like Bachelor Monkey! using perfectly legal and educationally credible techniques, accepted by American colleges and universities for the last 70 years or more.
Regarding online degrees, there are some good, old, established bricks-and-mortar universities that offer online classes if you want to go that route, and are the only ones I would trust. I used online classes as fillers or when I had no other choice when a course wasn’t offered locally, but that’s all. Live, in-person classes are much easier, by the way.
But College is Too Expensive and I Have No Time Anyway!
I didn’t think I could afford college either. Until I realized how I could. Quite frankly, I agree with you: College costs too much and it takes too much time—if you do it the way schools want you to. But that just makes them rich. You’re not going to do that. You won’t have 4 years worth of loans. At most, just ONE year’s worth of loans. And with some of the proceeds, you can pay bills like I did, quitting that second job while you study. Forget about that second job. When you finish school, you won’t be going back to it.
A full 4-year degree at my university would have cost about $40,000 if I did it their way. I graduated in just over a year with the same degree and it cost me $11,000, with a college loan payment of just over $150 per month. Once I had that diploma, I got a much better job and my income did more than skyrocket: it stabilized, and that was such a huge relief, it made the college effort well, well, worth it.
My Parents Didn’t Go to College. What if I Can’t Do It?
I think all adults have the life experience they need to function with ease in college. You don’t have to worry about being smart enough. You are. College didn’t teach me things that were too difficult to understand. The effort was more like vacuuming and dusting. It was something I could do, I just didn’t want to, but I did it anyway.
My parents didn’t go to college either, and they made ends meet. But they grew up in a different world. Ours is considerably more turbulent and uncertain. The middle class was strong then. Now it’s teetering on the edge of extinction, and getting a college degree is one of the only ways to escape the devastation.
With my fast degree system, it will only be a year or so before you’re onto a better path in life. Where will you be a year from now if you don’t do it? A year more tired. A year more desperate. What if you CAN get out of this rut? What if you were a college graduate with a new job that pays twice or three times as much with full benefits such as vacation, sick time, and health and dental insurance? You don’t have time to do college conventionally: I understand. No one does. If you do it at all, you have to find a faster, cheaper way. This is it.
Do You Want to Stay Stuck in a Lifelong Rut and Get Passed Over, or Do You Want to Be the One Promoted?
I bet you work hard and do a great job, but nobody notices. I bet you’ve gone year after year with no raises. Some of your superiors probably don’t even treat you like a person. I was so sick of uncaring bosses threatening me with all the different ways I could be fired. They treated me like garbage. Like a total nobody. I saw myself get passed over, time and time again for promotions, even though I could do the job better than anyone. Worse, I saw myself rise to a cherished management position, only to lose it to someone with the “proper credentials” (and I had to train him to replace me). I had no leverage, and without a degree, neither do you.
What Will Happen to Me If I Ignore This Opportunity and Don’t Bother Getting a College Degree?
I’m sure you’ve heard of all the tent cities popping up across America. Who do you think lives there? The educated upper classes? Not a chance. We’re being left behind. Should we accept the destruction of our way of life while the corrupt rich pursue a psychotic agenda? We need middle class representation in the higher echelons to keep things fair, but we need the formal education to match them if we ever expect to be heard. We need people who won’t forget. We need people who will help others rise.
At almost $20 trillion, America’s debt is at nightmare proportions. Bullets and a Third World lifestyle is the next level the American middle class will descend to if nothing is done. We deserve to live peaceful, productive lives. If we don’t at least make the effort, we stand to lose everything we take for granted. The fact is, the higher classes don’t care about us. They just want to make sure they never join our downward spiral. It won’t make any difference to them if we lose our houses and apartments and end up on the street.
Maybe we could share a house with another family. But then we’ll have just a room in the house. Then a corner of the room. Otherwise, it’s Tent City. I can’t believe I was almost homeless. Nothing in my life has been so psychologically devastating as what I realized I was headed for if things didn’t turn around. No running water. No indoor plumbing. No heat. No air conditioning. No clean food. Community showers. Life in prison is better. But only until some pathogen (man-made or not) sweeps through and wipes everybody out. Perhaps the politicians will call them “CDC specials” for disposing of us undesirables. Unless you have a death wish or just really like camping, you MUST make a decision to change your future.
An alarming study revealed in The New York Times on September 20, 2012, found that life spans are now SHRINKING for the least-educated in America:
“The steepest declines were for white women without a high school diploma, who lost five years of life between 1990 and 2008” … “White men lacking a high school diploma lost three years of life.”
I think that’s stark enough, and it wasn’t much different for other races. The financial and physical stress you suffer for not having a college diploma will kill you up to five years sooner than nature will. Not to mention your quality of life: home evictions, lost relationships, ongoing personal trauma from unattended medical and dental needs, and the malnutrition and depression you’ll endure throughout your years of agony.
Get the Credentials the World Values Most. Then, Paradise is Yours.
It’s time to take positive action. Imagine having freedom from financial worry. Imagine if, one Friday, you worked half the day before you realized it was payday, because you didn’t need the money. You have more than enough and are no longer living check to check.
Imagine having the time to do the things you want to do: read a good book; take up yoga; learn a language… Imagine more quality time with your loved ones: time to help the kids with their homework, time to walk the dog, or go to the beach. You can enjoy some nice, slow, peaceful, quiet time with nothing else to worry about, or dream up some new adventure and go live it.
Now, I’m not rich, and I’m not telling you you’ll get rich. But most days, by 4:30pm, I’m back home and in sweatpants, and I’m not going back out. No second jobs. No daily struggle between financial crisis and exhaustion. That to me is so comforting, so rewarding, and gives me such a sense of wealth, I’m pleasantly reminded of how worthwhile that intense year was. And what about the impossible, such as whisking your loved ones away to exotic locations like Hawaii or Paris? Maybe that’s too great a leap to consider right now, but it will be possible, as well as anything else you can dream of.
You’ll look back and marvel at how far you’ve come. You’ll be doing things you wouldn’t have dreamed of, just a few years ago. It’s like your living someone else’s life. You’ll be certainty about your financial future. You’ll have leverage and respect at work. A bank account NOT constantly bouncing off zero, but a bank account well-padded for future wants and opportunities. Enough savings to retire in style. A high income with all the perks. There’s no guarantee this will happen, but it’s virtually guaranteed that it won’t, if you don’t get a degree.
Do People STOP and Listen Up When You Speak?
What’s more is the status of having a college degree. Believe me, it’s powerful. I achieved my degree so fast and so much easier than I expected to, that I kept going to complete a Master’s Degree as well. Together, they give me considerable clout. Almost doctor-level clout. It’s a great feeling when you know your words carry weight. (By the way, do you think it took me 3 years to finish my Masters? No: a year and a half). Degrees give you leverage.
Entertainingly enough, whether your bosses like you or not, the degrees put you next in line for significant positions of authority. And, not that I love this fact, but the next time a promotion comes along and its down to you and that dynamic go-getter who’s always out-shining everyone else, but doesn’t have a degree, you’ll get the job. And the money.
I can’t tell you how much better I am treated in job interviews now. With the degree, I no longer have to prove myself. If I at least washed that morning, I’ll be seriously considered for the job, and I’m interviewing for positions two levels above where I used to be. More money, more responsibility, and more respect! I’m also less flexible and less concerned with the outcome, because the degree gives me lots of options. If they don’t want to hire me, I DON’T CARE.
Even Celebrities Such as Natalie Portman and Shaquille O’Neal Want Something to Fall Back On, and They Chose a College Degree.
Look at all of the famous people who knew a degree was worth their time and effort: Adam Sandler, Alec Baldwin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ashley Judd, Barbara Walters, Carrie Underwood, Chevy Chase, Christy Turlington, Conan O’Brien, Dale Earnhardt Jr., David Duchovny, David Letterman, Debra Messing, Denzel Washington, Dolph Lundgren, Donald Sutherland, Donald Trump, Dr. Phil McGraw, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Edward Norton, Eva Longoria, Forest Whitaker, Howard Stern, Hugh Grant, Hugh Hefner, J.K. Rowling, James Earl Jones, James Franco, Jay Leno, Jennifer Garner, Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Springer, Jodie Foster, Jon Stewart, Julia Stiles, Katie Couric, Kenny G, Kevin Costner, Kourtney Kardashian, Kristin Bell, Lisa Kudrow, Lucy Liu, Ludacris, Matthew McConaughey, Meryl Streep, Michael Jordan, Montel Williams, Natalie Portman, Oprah Winfrey, Rachel McAdams, Reba McEntire, Regis Philbin, Renée Zellwegar, Rowan Atkinson, Sacha Baron Cohen, Samuel L. Jackson, Sandra Bullock, Shaquille O’ Neal, Sheryl Crow, Sigourney Weaver, Spike Lee, Stephen King, Steve Carell, Tim Allen, Tina Fey, Tommy Lee Jones, Weird Al Yankovic, Will Ferrell, and Zach Braff, and there are many more.
College is a Big Investment. Thank Goodness, this eBook isn’t!
I realize this information could be a thousand dollars and it would be a bargain. But you don’t have a thousand to spend, or you wouldn’t be reading this. Quite frankly, I’m doing it at cost. Why? War trauma. This is me, carrying a wounded soldier to safety. None of us deserved what we’ve went through these last few years. This project answers a problem that is so socially critical, I want you to have it. I want you to graduate quickly. I want your voice to count and to help change things. I want to secure our freedoms and wipe out our vulnerabilities. I desperately want a better world for us all to enjoy; especially for our kids, and among them is my own daughter.
At only $17, the cost is nothing. It’s dinner at an average restaurant. Your income increase alone one year from now will make it insignificant. For example, I immediately got a better job that came with a $14,000 increase. Even a $1,000 increase in pay represents a 37X return on your investment. And it goes through PayPal, so I never see your credit card information. It’s totally private, safe, and secure. So what are the drawbacks? At this time, Bachelor Monkey! is in ebook format only. That’s no big deal, because you can print it out, which I recommend. It should be on your desk or table, staring you in the face instead of hidden away on your hard drive.
Bachelor Monkey! includes:
- A Quick Start Plan Outlining the Whole Process
- The Fast Lane: How to Choose The Best School for an Accelerated Degree Plan
- Reducing the Cost Per Credit by Up to 5 Times!
- Step-by-Step Instructions for Accumulating Credit at Light Speed
- Staying on Track: Cost and Time Projections for Graduating Fast and Cheap
- How You Can Go to College and Save Your House!
- Simple Instructions to Apply for Financial Aid
- Easy Money: Instructions for the Pell Grant to Save a Fortune You Don’t Have to Pay Back!
- Treacherous Traps and School Limitations to Avoid
- Resources Essential to Your Success
- A Credit-by-Credit Breakdown of My High Speed Degree Program
And to help you out even more, I’ve included:
- Choosing the Right Degree for Finishing Fast
- Finding Extra Time: Practical Time-Saving Ideas and Concentration Tips
- Secrets to Assure Your Credits Transfer from Alternate Sources
- Confusing Dates to Remember: Registration Dates, Grant Application Dates, and More.
- Making a Custom Fit: Several Degree Scenarios to Explore
- Utilizing Your Degree Advisor the Right Way
- The Secret Question to Ask Your Counselor at the End of Every Visit
- Pursuing a Master’s Degree and Beyond
- A Bonus Excerpt from Moral Armor’s “A Bridge Between Us All.”
Even if I’m only half right, you will graduate in two years, still saving several years of your life. Once you’re done I just hope you won’t forget me, and perhaps you’ll say a silent thank you. Something like, “Thank you so much for writing this. I’m on the other side now. I’m in the club. My kids will have much better lives now and I’ll save a fortune on their educations too. My future is secure. My dreams are no longer nightmares. My stress is gone. My life is an adventure again. I can breathe again. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Take a Moment to Consider the True Possibilities of This.
I have to wonder what the universities will do when they realize these secrets are out. Maybe they’ll do nothing. After all, it will attract more people to get degrees, and more business for them is a good thing. Still, many people are snapping this up while it’s available, just in case. Don’t miss the opportunity to be among them. Besides, you want to get to the new jobs first… or you could arrive years late when the best jobs are long gone.
Of course it takes a very clear-thinking individual to see the implications of what I’m offering: Everything you hope will happen by speeding up your degree, will happen 3 years sooner. Need a better car? Next year. Want a promotion? Next year. If you’re 40 years old now, do you want to finish college when you’re 44, or 48, or next year, when you’re 41? How much career progress could you make in those 4 to 8 years if you’re not struggling to finish school? The unfortunate reality for most of us is that if you can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, chances are, you’ll never even try to reach the other side. A year is nothing. Invest a year, and you’ll have the rest of your life to reap the rewards.
If I were your close friend, my advice would be “God, do this.” A year from now, everything can change. You can get away from your financial difficulties for life. You can have a better, more secure retirement. You can help your kids get through college as well, and save yourself a fortune. Statistics show that the unemployment rate is significantly less for college graduates; as low as 2% compared to 15% for the non-degreed. If your kids hope to have a decent life at all, they are going to need a college degree.
Don’t wait. Get your copy of Bachelor Monkey! now. I made it cheap so anyone could afford it. For less than twenty bucks, you can get on the fast track to graduating college. The cost is nothing compared to how much you will benefit. You will save years. You will save thousands. Your life will never be the same. Afterwards, I’d love to hear your story. Please email or write and let me know how you did, who else you’ve helped, and how your life has changed. Also, don’t forget to visit the EthicsUnderground.com website and download my Mortgage Mutilator for FREE, which works to pay off college loans fast, too.
Best wishes for your every endeavor,
Ronald E. Springer
PS. To recap, you can get a four-year college degree from the school of your choice much faster than you imagine: in as little as ONE year. I did it in ONE YEAR AND THREE MONTHS, and if I had a guide like Bachelor Monkey! when I started, I could have done it even quicker. This fast degree system is for use with authentic, fully-accredited universities only: No fake degrees or online diplomas are necessary. With no college degree, life is much harder. Invest a year, and I guarantee you’ll be well on your way to a better life: more money, more time, and much more control over your future. Even in a bad economy, unemployment for degreed people ranges 2-4%, where the non-degreed suffer unemployment rates of 15-25% or more. Invest in yourself and get Bachelor Monkey! right now. Do it before the universities decide to close these loopholes (Swing over and get it now, and you’ll finish school long before they do).
A Reader (and Doctor) Shares His View of Getting Ahead with Bachelor Monkey!
Here’s a letter I received recently:
“The information in this book is extremely relevant to today’s quickly changing career and political environment. I read this book after spending eight years in school achieving a professional degree and it made me sick to think of how much time and money this book could have saved me. When I started my education, student loan rates were at 4.5%. Two years before graduation (and in the middle of the lion’s share of my educational expense) the rate jumped to the maximum allowable rate of over 8%. Over the next thirty years that extra 4% could add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, to say nothing of the extra income I could have earned had I graduated a few years earlier (instead of October 2008). The job market is changing at a rapid pace, the traditional structure of education is finding itself unable to keep up. The jobs that are in demand today might not be in demand by the time a masters degree is completed in the traditional six year time frame. The sooner you can finish school the greater the chance you will be riding the peak of the wave instead of swimming your heart out to catch up while the next set is crashing down on top of you.
There are also some intangible benefits to this knowledge that are not mentioned in the book, especially for the more traditional student going into academia or the professions. One of these is the weeder class. These are the classes that are difficult to pass, let alone get an A. These are the classes that sift out the talented individuals in the class. Doing well in these classes mean internships might open up, or research opportunities, or a stellar letter of recommendation. Doing well in these key classes can make the difference between being a low paid lab tech and getting into the medical school of your choice. Using the knowledge in this book and a little extra planning, you could potentially free up the time and energy you need to shine in the classes and open up more opportunities for yourself.” –Dr. Peter Fox, Davenport, IA
If you’d like to share, We’d love to hear from you. Please send your success story or any questions in the contact form below. Maybe your story will be featured here!
Best of luck,
*This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Adam Sandler, Alec Baldwin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ashley Judd, Barbara Walters, Carrie Underwood, Chevy Chase, Christy Turlington, Conan O’Brien, Dale Earnhardt Jr., David Duchovny, David Letterman, Debra Messing, Denzel Washington, Dolph Lundgren, Donald Sutherland, Donald Trump, Dr. Phil McGraw, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Edward Norton, Eva Longoria, Forest Whitaker, Howard Stern, Hugh Grant, Hugh Hefner, J.K. Rowling, James Earl Jones, James Franco, Jay Leno, Jennifer Garner, Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Springer, Jodie Foster, Jon Stewart, Julia Stiles, Katie Couric, Kenny G, Kevin Costner, Kourtney Kardashian, Kristin Bell, Lisa Kudrow, Lucy Liu, Ludacris, Matthew McConaughey, Meryl Streep, Michael Jordan, Montel Williams, Natalie Portman, Oprah Winfrey, Rachel McAdams, Reba McEntire, Regis Philbin, Renée Zellwegar, Rowan Atkinson, Sacha Baron Cohen, Samuel L. Jackson, Sandra Bullock, Shaquille O’ Neal, Sheryl Crow, Sigourney Weaver, Spike Lee, Stephen King, Steve Carell, Tim Allen, Tina Fey, Tommy Lee Jones, Weird Al Yankovic, Will Ferrell, and Zach Braff, , nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Adam Sandler, Alec Baldwin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ashley Judd, Barbara Walters, Carrie Underwood, Chevy Chase, Christy Turlington, Conan O’Brien, Dale Earnhardt Jr., David Duchovny, David Letterman, Debra Messing, Denzel Washington, Dolph Lundgren, Donald Sutherland, Donald Trump, Dr. Phil McGraw, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Edward Norton, Eva Longoria, Forest Whitaker, Howard Stern, Hugh Grant, Hugh Hefner, J.K. Rowling, James Earl Jones, James Franco, Jay Leno, Jennifer Garner, Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Springer, Jodie Foster, Jon Stewart, Julia Stiles, Katie Couric, Kenny G, Kevin Costner, Kourtney Kardashian, Kristin Bell, Lisa Kudrow, Lucy Liu, Ludacris, Matthew McConaughey, Meryl Streep, Michael Jordan, Montel Williams, Natalie Portman, Oprah Winfrey, Rachel McAdams, Reba McEntire, Regis Philbin, Renée Zellwegar, Rowan Atkinson, Sacha Baron Cohen, Samuel L. Jackson, Sandra Bullock, Shaquille O’ Neal, Sheryl Crow, Sigourney Weaver, Spike Lee, Stephen King, Steve Carell, Tim Allen, Tina Fey, Tommy Lee Jones, Weird Al Yankovic, Will Ferrell, and Zach Braff.
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