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Here’s a recent radio interview Ron did that should answer any questions you may have. Included at the bottom are official transcripts showing his degree was completed in ONE YEAR and THREE MONTHS!

  1. Everybody Knows that College takes 4 Years Full-Time or 8 Years Part-Time. There’s No Easy Way Out, Right?
  • I wouldn’t call it easy, but there’s definitely a faster and cheaper way out. I’m lucky I discovered this, because when it came to college, I was lazy. I dragged my feet for over 20 years before going back. In 2008, I lost my job along with everyone else and it left me scrambling to get a degree, just to qualify for the job I was doing before! I started school just over a year ago, and it’s done already. It seems impossible, but it’s true.
  • Instead of the 12 credits a year you get part-time or even 24 full-time, I was able to get 104 credits in just over a year: 15 months. I was accumulating credit so fast, I went from being a Freshman to a Junior in four months. Five months later I was a Senior.
  • A lot of people need this kind of lifeline—a quick way to get educated so they can have better job security, make good money, and finally be able to relax about life.
  1. Did You Just Pay for a Fake Diploma or Get Some Online Degree?
  • No! I attended a fully-accredited university, and strongly recommend that listeners choose only well-known, respected schools; but not all are suitable. The school has to meet certain criteria in order for you to get the degree fast.
  • You can’t risk being discredited or blacklisted for buying a fake degree. That’s fraud. You can earn a degree legitimately and very quickly if you know how. You will complete a full degree program: you’ll just do it smarter.
  • Personally, I wouldn’t touch an online degree, and wouldn’t even do online classes at the big schools if I could help it. They’re too hard! People think online classes are easy, but I was forced to take a few to finish on time, and believe me, they were not easy at all.
  1. Do Colleges and Universities Really Allow This?
  • Most of these methods have been around for decades but I don’t think too many people have organized them into a system the way I have.
  • Like any business, colleges and universities have to find new ways to attract customers, and I can’t imagine a more potent way than to accommodate people with busy lives already. It’s their job to make sure we meet their academic standards—not to make sure it costs so much or takes a certain amount of time. Thank goodness the best colleges are developing more efficient ways to accommodate people who work full time. My system combines them in a way that is much more powerful than they probably intended!
  • If universities clamped down on these methods, it would be very foolish and baboon-like. But just in case, don’t wait. Take advantage of this approach while you can.
  1. What if Employers Found Out How Quick You Got Your Degree? Wouldn’t It All Be for Nothing?

No, they should be impressed. You will earn and deserve your degree. But I have run across some employers with the skeptical mindset you speak of: that if it wasn’t done the hard way, it isn’t real. My advice is not to mention the speed with which you’ve achieved your degree. All they need to know is that you have it, and that you can prove it. When they do a background check, they’ll know it is real. Then you will have the respect and the opportunities you deserve.

  1. What if Our Listeners Can’t Afford It? What if They’ve Got Financial Problems Already?
  • Going back to college can help them out of their problems. College saved my house!
  • Everyone earning less than 60k per year can get the Pell Grant, which will pay for a portion of your classes without having to pay the money back. You can afford it. Especially if you can’t!
  • Financial Aid paid my personal bills as well as tuition. I was able to make my house payments with the extra money while I didn’t have a job.
  • You will have loans to pay back. You will have debt, but it won’t be much because you’ll be finishing so fast. I figured I’d have a better job and would make more money once the degree was done anyway, which is how it worked out. I did a four year degree for $11 grand and a payment of $148 per month. It would’ve cost $40 grand otherwise!
  • Given what’s happened in our country in the last few years, you can’t afford not to finish college. Losing my job and being turned away time and again for over two years because I didn’t have a degree was the overwhelming reason I went back to school. I recognized a sobering reality when I saw this statistic: 15% general unemployment vs. 2% for degreed people. I’m so relieved to be in the 2%, and you will be too.
  1. What if Our Listeners Don’t Have Time for School?
  • You don’t have to give up your life, but you do have to make time. It’s at least a yearlong project you will have to concentrate on, but if you just make the commitment, a year or so from now, you won’t believe the results. You’ll have a college degree. Nothing will stand in your way again.
  • And what about your kids? They’ll be much better off with a stable home and parents who have enough money to comfortably afford everything they need! Parents who can help them graduate quickly when it’s their turn to go to college.
  • So how do you make time? Read while you’re in line at the bank. Study at lunch or while the baby is asleep. Write papers anywhere on a mini-laptop. I did it. So can you.
  1. What if Our Listeners are Afraid to Go Back to School After So Long? How Hard is It Going to Be?

Your life experience gives you a big advantage. You don’t have to be embarrassed about going to school with kids half your age. They’ll be intimidated by you! Actually, most after hours classes are made up of older students anyway. You won’t be lost, because you’ve lived what schools teach as theory. You know through experience what’s right and wrong, what’s true and false, so college won’t be that difficult at all. It was my opinion before and after that any ape can get a degree. That’s why I called the book Bachelor Monkey!

Most older students recall the horror of taking tests and writing papers, not realizing their trauma in youth was due to approaching subjects with an empty head. Adult heads are full of…uhm… information just waiting to be unleashed! They can deal with anything college will throw at them.

  1. Will a Degree Really Make a Difference in This Environment?

Huge. Immediate hiring interest. Immediate acceptance. Immediate respect. Remember the stats: 15% unemployment for non-degreed, 2% for degreed . More and more people without credentials are being locked out of jobs they’ve done for years. If you want a decent paying job, you don’t really have a choice anymore.

  1. Who Are the Best Candidates for This? Who Can Save the Most Time?

People with 5 to 20 years experience in the working world will save the most time, but kids just out of high school can save plenty of time as well. Even if you have no college at all, you can jump in and save semesters and even years.

  1. This Must Be Cheaper for Parents Sending Kids to College, Right?

Exactly. They’ll save tons of money. Parents or grandparents paying for school will benefit just as much as the students! My sister and my niece are using these techniques to speed up their degrees and lower their debt. When my daughter is old enough, she will too. That huge amount you thought you had to save? You’ll only spend a fraction of it. Keep the rest and buy a boat. Go to Hawaii and don’t come back for a month.

  1. You have a new book out, right?

My eBook, Bachelor Monkey!, explains exactly what I did to get my bachelor’s degree so fast (below is PROOF of how long it took). It’s $17 at BachelorMonkey.com and satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. Getting a degree is a confusing process, I know. There’s a lot more in the book and it makes things clear. With a quick start plan and lots of useful resources, Bachelor Monkey! is a complete, do it yourself, step-by-step, high-speed degree kit. A year from now you could be living a better life. A year from now everything can change. Jump on this before it gets away.
